
Out of Lotus Notes – Our Experiences

In many companies, older Lotus Notes applications are not fully shut down even after having been replaced by new applications. The uncertainty about how to handle the information stored in the application holds the companies back from taking the final step. This leads to compliance challenges as well as licensing costs. In this article, we describe some of our experiences with shutting down Lotus Notes.

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Controlled Test – Clean-Up and Migration

It has become standard procedure to conduct controlled tests when installing and updating IT systems. Unfortunately, there is not the same level of certainty when it comes to testing in other contexts of handling data. Undetected errors can have significant financial and quality consequences when large amounts of data are moved or cleaned up. Quality assurance and testing efforts should naturally be tailored to risks and severity, but a risk assessment and corresponding tests should always be conducted when handling data.

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Tidying Up the Documentation — What Does it Take?

What will it take to clean up the documentation? It is necessary to structure the task, draw up a plan, and at the same time be prepared to make decisions that will demand time and effort form the organisation. In the following, we will zoom in on what it takes to perform a good tidying up of your documentation.

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Tidy Up the Documentation

In many companies, virtually all documentation is stored – both because it’s easy, but also for fear of deleting essential documents.
In this article, we focus on how to regain control of your documentation with thorough, and eventually continuous, cleaning.

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